
Tyson | Newborn {sneak peek} | Studio

Oh boy, have I had a week! It all started last Sunday with my oldest son waking up with a high temp and the worst cough! By Monday night my youngest had it and by Wednesday my middle child had it. All week I felt like nurse Nikki.....checking fevers which hit the roof every four hours, administering Tylenol or Advil or Cough syrup. Making sure there are plenty of fluids going down as solid food wasn't appealing to anyone. Keep in mind througout all my own childrens' illness, I am still running a daycare with 5 other children that need my attention and care. CRAZY, right?? At least this weekend everyone's fever seemed to break and we have gone two whole days without meds...yeah! I have been able to finally hit the computer and work on several newborn sessions. I was able to finish off two full sessions and get the sneak peeks done for the other two. So, we will start off with Tyson's sneak peek ~ he is about a month old in these images but still so tiny as he came very early and suprised mom & dad. Dad had to bring some manly props for his son to pose by. He brought along his signed football helmet and trophy. I loved the idea....Tyson's mommy?? Not so much :) Totally adorable!

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