I thought I better get this posted before February is over.....and that leaves me one day! Yikes, can't believe how fast time flies by. I always say that but really I think it's going by faster daily. That is why whenever there is an opportunity, spending time with those you truly cherish such as family and close friends that are near and dear must take precedence! My mom's 60th birthday was one of those occasions...I put the word out to all of my mom's side of the family, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, and my nana of course. I pulled out all the stops ordering a professional custom cake creation courtsey of Kirsty Punshon from Creative Cakes and had some mouth watering platters delivered from Sugar Mountain Catering. With these things taken care of, I was able to sit back and enjoy the company of my family which makes the day even more special and memorable. We had most of our family available to come out as far as the Vancouver Island, we were missing a few cousins and an Uncle due to work schedules and traveling from back East. I think the day was celebrated magnificently and mom is sure to remember her 60th as a truly special day.
A very big THANKYOU to my wonderful family for making this such a success....I love you!
Here is the birthday girl (left) with her two big sisters. My auntie Lorrie and auntie Bev. XO
I asked Kirsty to create a cake for my mom that represented who she was and her passion that truly makes her happy. Aside from her kids and grandkids as her greatest passion....my mom is an outstanding artist. She is primarily a watercolor artist but is always fascinated with any and all elements of creativity. I can definitly thank her for my creative, artistic upbringing. I had my daughter Paige create the "Happy Birthday" banner to top the cake. Butterflies & rainbows....isn't that what all 6 year old girls consider "happy"??
And yes, this cake was as delicious as it was beautiful!
Here is my hubby Trev, doing his part for the party. He is BBQing up the Chipotle Chicken Skewers delivered from Sugar Mountain Catering. Everything was already precooked and we just had to throw a few things in the oven or BBQ to warm them up. Omg....these were my favorite.....delish! We also had sweet potatoe latkes, curried chicken endive and Thai spring rolls.
Floral arrangements were done by me....and Costco. They have great prices on floral, I just picked a couple different flowers looking for a soft feminine feel. Mom just called me today to tell me her pink tulips are still going strong!
I included framed pictures of my mom from when she was a baby, child and teenager. These were set up along the main buffet table. I was also sure to include images of my Grandfather who has passed but would have loved to be included in his baby girls 60th. He was here is spirit ~ I just know it!
Papa (my dad) and his two youngest grandkids. Paige and my nephew Keynan only 9 months age difference between these two. They are like siblings and best friends! Apparently there is some intense conversation about a pretzel...
The beautiful Cairns girls. This is my mom (left) her two sisters and their mom.....my nana. Lookin good ladies :)
This is a four generation image. We have my Nana, mom, me and my daughter. My two Aunts are here, but unfortuately we didn't have their daughters here (working and back East) but I will try to get something together this summer where everyone can make it!! Trev took this pic, good job Honey!
The whole lot.
Mom gets some help opening her gifts from her great-nephew, Roman!
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